产品名称: 安诺尼手持式测向天线IsoLOG 3D Mobile 9060 PRO(9KHz-6GHz)
产品类别: 安诺尼IsoLOG测向天线
产品型号: IsoLOG 3D Mobile 9060 PRO
产品编号: CPD08-0002
产品品牌: 德国安诺尼AARONIA
IsoLOG 3D Mobile 9060 PRO(9kHz-6GHz)
One Antenna for all your needs, no need to change an antenna again anymore
◆Worlds first 9kHz to 6GHz Handheld Isotropic Antenna 全球首款9kHz-6GHz手持式各向同性天线
◆Usable with any spectrum analyzer 适用于任何频谱分析仪
◆High gain and low Noise 高增益、低噪声
◆Two Bufilt-in bypass pre-amplifier 2个内置旁路前置放大器
◆Manual or automatic axis switching 手动或自动X/Y/Z轴切换
◆Battery or DC powered 内置电池供电或直流电源供电
◆6h battery run-time 内置电池连续工作时间6小时
◆Only 350g weight 重量350g
The new IsoLOG 3D Mobile, Aaronia’s latest development, is a very light and small
isotropic antenna which is compatible to any spectrum analyzer. It just works „on the fly“
and is a suitable plug and play solution for 3D measurements in limited time frames.
安诺尼手持式测向天线IsoLOG 3D Mobile 9060 PRO(9KHz-6GHz),是一款非常轻巧小型的天线,可以搭配各种频谱分析仪兼容的各向同性天线。即插即用,非常快捷进行3D测量。
The antenna requires no software installation, no power connection and no hardware
changes. It is connectable via the N (male) connector to any analyzer or oscilloscope.
安诺尼手持式测向天线IsoLOG 3D Mobile 9060 PRO(9KHz-6GHz)简介
Each IsoLOG 3D Mobile includes an internal, re-chargeable battery, offering a runtime of approx. 6 hours, and a switchable low noise bypass pre-amplifier.
IsoLOG 3D Mobile内置一个可反复充电的电池,提供大约6小时连续运行时间,以及可切换的低噪声带通前置放大器。
The integrated amp allows measurementsof very low-powered signals.Thus, used in bypass mode,the antenna is still usable for high field-strengths. The control of the antenna is done via USB or via manual antenna selection mode,requiring no USB connection。
Aaronia also integrated an ultra fast adjustable „chopper“ function. Using special, glitch free RF switches this feature offers an automatic endless antenna rotation/selection with a switching duration of up to 50kHz. This feature transforms the IsoLOG 3D Mobile into a fully functional 3D antenna without the need of any USB software control.
该款天线还集成了超快速切换的天线方向X/Y/Z轴的功能。通过一个特定的开关,即可完成X/Y/Z三轴循环切换,最高切换频率50kHz。该功能可实现完全控制IsoLOG 3D Mobile天线,而不需要通过USB软件控制。
◆产品名称: IsoLOG 3D手持式测向天线
◆型 号: IsoLog 3D Mobile 9060 PRO
◆频率范围: 9kHz to 6GHz
◆增益(带通模式,典型值): @70MHz: -42dB ;@3GHz: -10dB
◆增益(前置放大器,典型值):@70MHz: -22dB;@3GHz: 10dB
◆切换频率: 1Hz to 50kHz
◆射频连接: N型母头 50 Ohm
◆尺寸(L/W/D):340 x 75 x 75 mm
◆重 量: 350g
◆三脚架连接: 1/4“
◆电 池: 650mAh LiPo(内置),可运行6h
◆接 口: USB 2.0
◆工作温度:-10°至+ 50°C
◆存储温度:-20°至+ 60°C
◆原 产 地: 德国
Antenna Gain天线增益
IsoLOG 3D天线外观示
The handy form factor and small weight of only 350g predestine the IsoLOG 3D Mobile for portable measurements. Following picture shows the layout and functions of the antenna:
便携、轻巧,重量仅350g,非常方便用于便携式测试, 下图是天线布局和功能:


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